Saturday, June 9

Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution was a two-part revolution. It had the February Revolution and then the October Revolution. The revolution was the first overthrow of the tsarist autocracy and the overthrow of the liberal and socialist Provisional Government. After the revolution the Soviet power under control of the Bolshevik party was established in Russia. This lead to the Soviet Union until 1991.
The revolution started when the country's people had enough of the style of government at the time. On February 23, 1917 people at food queues started protest and were soon joined by women from textile factories who were protesting about the bread and food shortages. Most of the country went on strike and women stopped at factories that were not on strike to get the workers to join. By the 25th almost every business in the capital of Petrograd was shut down. This made the Duma government realise the problem and forced the Tsar to surrender his control.

On the morning of the 27th, the people on strike in the streets were joined by soldiers who were originally sent by the government to control the riots. The crowds out numbered the police and caused them to join the rioters. This left the power if the country with no military in the capital and the authority collapsed.

The October revolution was led by Lenin who based it on his writings of Karl Marx's theories. This began the spread of communism in the twentieth century. The October revolution was far less spontaneous than the February revolution. This one involved planning by the Bolshevik Party. On November 7, 1917 Lenin led the revolutionaries in a revolt against the already wounded Provisional Government. They then replaced the government with local councils electing groups of workers and peasants to become the Soviet government.

In March the tsar Nicholas and his family was placed under house arrest. After the Bolsheviks came into power during the October revolution their imprisonment became stricter. The next year on July 16, 1918 the family was taken into their basement and executed. This was directed from Lenin who was in Moscow at the time. The royal family was lined up as if to take a photo and were shot. It was believed to be chaotic due to the first few shots deflecting off jewels sown into the girls undergarments.

I think the Russian Revolution was needed in the country. They needed a new system that was for the people. This seemed to be the only way they could do it but it was an effective one to change power in the country to benefit the population.

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