Saturday, June 9

Airplane Invented

The Wright brothers were born in Millville, Indiana and as children the made simple mechanical toys. They contiuned to make things and in 1888 they built a large printing press. The next year they began to publish "West Side News" in Dayton, Ohio. In 1892 they opened up a bicycle repair shop and showroom and soon began assembling bikes with their own tools.

In September of 1900 they tested their own glider based on the writings of the German engineer Otto Lilienthal. They recorded their findings and found out that the info they were working with was wrong. The following year they tested the effect of air pressure on more than 200 different wing surfaces. By 1902 they conclued that planes could be best balanced by pilots rather than the built-in engineering devices they originally thought.

In 1903 the brothers created their first propeller and it was 35% more effective than the other propellers available at the time. Next they built a machine with a 12 horse power motor and combining this with the propeller they made the first powered airplan flight in history.

In 1908 Wilbur Wright se distance and altitude records in France. In the same year the brothers produced a plane that could fly for 10 minutes at a speed of 64km/h for the U.S. Army Signal Corps.

In September of 1908 Orville Wright established many records when he flew the first Wright plane made under government contract for 62 minutes, completing 57 circles at an altitude of 36.6m.

Planes are something that must have been extremely difficult to invent. Think about it, flying. Nothing holding you up. I'm glad I wasn't the people inventing them. Planes were and still are a very large part of this century and last. without them we could travel to visit other countries as easily. I'm glad they created the plane even though I don't want to get on one.

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